More baby pictures

Wow, it’s amazing how much the little mite in Ava’s tummy is growing.

Baby facing us
Here its facing us.

Side view
Here is a side view.

Only short news this time.

Ava is feeling well, and I am having a great time with my internet business which is doing better than I expected.

BTW: If you want your own website, go to and signup by clicking on the link, its as easy as that.

I’m look for part time writers for my websites

This is a request.

I am looking for someone or maybe more than on person to do some part time writing for my websites.

If you know anyone who may be interested, just send this email on to them and they can contact me.


I am looking for a part-time writer or writers for my websites.

You need to have an interest in computer stuff, hardware in particular, but general knowledge is cool too. You also need to be able to write, you don’t have to be an author, but being able to be clear and express yourself clearly is necessary.

I am primarily looking for someone to write on The site focuses on reviews of different products, based on other reviews from around the internet. Go check out the website. That’s the kind of stuff you will be writing.

There is also which has a slightly different focus and might need writers sometime.

The writing is completely internet based. You will do writing and publishing online, so access to the internet will be needed.

No requirements on age, gender, or qualifications. Just a self-driven personality and willingness to learn something new.

Pay and hours are all negotiable and can be discussed directly with me via email.

