Well, I’m off to Tainan tomorrow to enjoy a week with the in-laws in Tainan. It will be relaxing, and my bike is waiting to take up a bit of that time too.
This is the equivalent of the Christmas – New Year break that most people in the West have.
Well, Ava went for another ultrasound today and got some 3D scans at the same time. This was her major mid-pregnancy check. Pretty cool as you can make out the shape of the baby and it’s features. Actually the 3D scans are more useful for patients than for doctors. Parents love to see their future child, however doctors like the other ones cause you can find any problems with the baby. So without further adue, here goes.
This picture is the clearest and you can make out most of the features of the baby’s face.
The baby has its arm up at the left.
Heh, heh, fun stuff.
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