Peter and Ava singing songs to Christina

2006 08 04 – Round the garden and this little piggy.flv
My two favorite little rhymes in the whole world. I can’t remember who did them to me when I was younger.

2006 08 04 – Peter singing a silly Chinese song and trying to get a smile.flv
Ava taught me this little song that kids here often learn, it roughly translates as, “Tricyle, goes so fast, with an old lady sitting on it. She wants 5 cents, but gives you a dollar, don’t you think that’s really strange.” It loses all the fun in English though.

2006 08 04 – Milu.flv
Ava got this little song from TV I think.

2006 08 04 – Ka da che.flv
This little song comes from a commercial.

2006 08 04 – Fatty.flv
She is so cute and chubby, I just had to say it in the nicest way possible.

My friends’ websites

There are a few people I know who keep websites that I check from time to time.

Chris Hockaday is an old friend from University days, although I knew of him in school. Recently married as well. This is his blog address, Hokemon is his site’s address.

Michelle is my sister-in-law and keeps a site about her and my brother’s baby Sage.

Simon Michel was one of the biker mice at school and we rode often until I left for Taiwan all those years ago.

Bronwyn Beckett I know from church.

If you want a blog/website like Simon and Michelle’s you can sign up at my blogging site.

That’s the short list, if you have a blog or website or something of that nature comment or send me an email and I’ll add you to my friends list.

Westville Boys’ High School 10 year reunion

According to Clint Garside, the Westville Boys’ High School (my high school) 10 year reunion is coming up on the 4th of August.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen many of the people from school. It would be nice to catch up and see some of them, but that won’t be possible with the plans to go to James and Michelle’s wedding at the end of March next year. I guess I’ll have to wait for the 25 year reunion.

I’m not sure how many of my friends will make it back as many are not in South Africa at the moment. Anyways, life goes on…

Ava and Christina are back

Finally after a very long wait my two lovely ladies are back in Taipei.

We drove back from Tainan on Monday and settled back into things. Well, not quite settled, Ava was not in the least impressed with the tiny amount of housework I had done and we spent some time putting things in their place.

The cot, new cupboard, little baby rocking chair and baby toys all arrived on Tuesday and much of the day was spent putting the shelves up and cleaning up the house some more and making place for all the baby stuff which has come back to Taipei with them.

I am still on holiday this week except for the extra classes that I do on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.

Christina is settling in fine and I’m glad that we picked this week for her to come back rather than a normal work week, otherwise things could be very tiring.

Again, I’ll get some pictures of Christina and her various little playthings on as soon as possible, which is really not that soon I guess. celebrates 2 years

Time flies, like it always does. This site, which was really a gift to Ava, but probably more fun for me has now been up for two years. Although I don’t update it too often it is my official place on the internet.

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